Dream Classroom

My dream classroom is a 25 feet by 15 feet Co-taught 30 Student classroom designed for flexible groupings as defined by the purple rug areas. Notice the students’ desks are arranged in 7 groups of 4 desks, which can be turned towards one another for additional small group activities as indicated by the large purple rug, defining one area. Student desk groupings of four are spaced out to allow teacher proximity between grouped desk areas. Two additional desks in the North/South are focus chairs for students who would prefer to work alone or who need a focus area. Purple rug defined areas are specific work areas for specific group activities: Computer Research Center (NE), Reading Nook (SW) and Group Discussion Center (E). Near each of the two teacher desks there are small group areas for one on one or small group instruction around the Kidney (NW) and Round (S) shaped tables. The black swiggly rectangles are on every wall indicating areas where all Expectations and Procedures’ posters will be posted. The Blue areas indicate places where students can view their assignments. Each period will pass out warm up on the desk areas. Warm ups can always be found on supply table on the back of the plush sofa in the eastern part of the room, so students know how to quickly get started.  Also, extra sharpened pencils, blank paper and other supplies are at the Supply table.


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